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BSc (Honours) Sport, Fitness and Coaching - Learning outcomes

Educational aims

This qualification will enable you to develop:

  • an understanding of the theoretical and work-based knowledge relevant to the application of sport, fitness and coaching science in practice 
  • the ability to reflect on experience of practice to produce and apply new understandings and skills 
  • an ability to recognise and deal with sport and fitness participants’ individual differences and the instructional issues arising from such diversity. 

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

On completion of this degree, you will have knowledge and understanding of:

  • human performance in sport and fitness and its enhancement through coaching and instruction 
  • the way physiology and psychology inform human responses to sport and exercise 
  • physical and mental health-related aspects of sport and fitness participation including the needs of different population groups. 

Cognitive skills

On completion of this degree, you will be able to:

  • analyse and evaluate sport and fitness practice and policies critically and systematically with reference to theory 
  • select and critically analyse information, ideas and evidence from different sources to present appropriate discussion and arguments 
  • plan, design, execute and communicate independent intellectual work which engages with, and interprets appropriate academic literature. 

Practical and/or professional skills

On completion of this degree, you will be able to:

  • appreciate the wider strategic context of teams working in the sport and fitness sector 
  • evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches to coaching and leadership scenarios 
  • articulate and critically comment on the different sport and exercise science disciplines and their contribution to the study of sport, fitness and coaching 
  • recognise and respond to ethical and safety issues demonstrating awareness of relevant legislation or codes of conduct. 

Key skills

On completion of this degree, you will be able to:

Application of number
  • use and interpret graphical and numerical data.
  • organise and articulate opinions and arguments
  • draw on appropriate conventions of academic writing
  • engage, motivate and respond sensitively to others.
Improving own learning and performance
  • develop a high degree of autonomy as a learner, integrating study and personal development with an active awareness of skills development and a reflective approach to learning.
Information and communication technology
  • use appropriate forms of ICT to communicate and present information, and to support research and learning.
Problem solving
  • explore problems in order to gain a deeper insight and identify different perspectives. 

Teaching, learning and assessment methods

Your knowledge and understanding of sport, fitness and coaching will be developed through the main teaching materials, using in-text questions, tasks and activities to support your learning. The main teaching material is offered through distance-learning modules with associated material including reading texts, audiovisual material, online material and directed reading. For the distance-learning element continuous assessment is by written tutor-marked assignments (TMAs) and an end-of-module assessment (EMA) for some modules. Tutors will support your development across all learning outcomes through online tutorials, written feedback on assignments and online and/or telephone support. Peer-peer support will be facilitated through online discussion forums with other students at qualification, module and tutor group levels.

Cognitive skills are assessed by module assignments. These will allow you to demonstrate your ability to structure a clear and reasoned argument, and to critically analyse module issues. Work–based learning assignments will offer you the opportunity to:

  • demonstrate independent thinking skills
  • demonstrate your understanding of theoretical concepts and the underpinning principles for work roles in the sport or fitness sector
  • demonstrate your ability to integrate theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • show evidence of reflective practice
  • use appropriate methods of enquiry.

Key skills are promoted within learning materials and as part of continuous assessment. Assessment criteria for tutor-marked assignments will require you to demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in a variety of formats. Learning skills focusing on planning, self-assessment, identifying strengths and weaknesses, setting priorities and targets and reviewing and reflecting are a feature of the work-based components and the general approach to key skills. Collaborative skills will be fostered through work-based tasks and case studies and by encouraging you to work together with other students online. Opportunities will be provided to help you develop your ICT skills.

Professional skills are developed as part of an increased awareness and understanding of good practice in supervising sport or fitness. The assessment of practice skills is via the work-based learning component of the degree, through the submission of assignments, supported by evidence as appropriate.