What you will study
This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course comprises eight units:
Unit 1: The need for a human-centred approach
This unit introduces the course. It focuses on the ever increasing rate of change in recent times and the need for effective change management using a human-centred approach.
Unit 2: Managing in uncertain times
The second unit looks at the concept of management and managing in uncertain times by introducing uncertainty and exploring three key themes: representations and realities; traditional and contemporary; and unitarism and pluralism. You&/courses/short-courses/bgxc003/39;ll also have the opportunity to apply aspects of these themes to yourself and your job role.
Unit 3: Human-centred change management
This unit goes into more detail about what a human-centred approach to management is and more specifically change management. You&/courses/short-courses/bgxc003/39;ll learn about organisations that have both survived and thrived when faced with what were to others, overwhelming levels of uncertainty and how a human-centred approach helped enable that.
It is easy for the unsuccessful to credit the successful with being lucky and being in the right place at the right time. You&/courses/short-courses/bgxc003/39;ll learn about the common characteristics of those organisations that survive and thrive when faced with adverse trading conditions.
Unit 4: Challenges facing contemporary managers
In this unit the focus is more on you, as the manager that is having to design and implement change, and the challenges and tensions associated with that. Challenges aren’t always easy to see, even in yourself and can be even more difficult to deal with.
Unit 5: Identifying the need for change
Not every event that can affect an organisation can be predicted but that doesn’t mean that organisations shouldn’t try. It is important that organisations frequently scan their external and internal environments so that they can take a strategic, human-centred approach to change management rather than just making small tactical changes that have the potential to demotivate and disrupt.
Unit 6: Implementation of change
This unit introduces you to a range of enduring concepts aimed to enable effective change management. It then asks you question the relevance of these models particularly in relation to a human-centred approach to management.
Unit 7: Business continuity and crisis planning
You&/courses/short-courses/bgxc003/39;ll have learned that organisations that thrived in uncertain times are experienced in planning for uncertainty and developing plans that will enable the organisation to continue its business. A lot can be learned from looking at organisations such as the National Health Service (NHS), an organisation that must always continue working and whose work can involve coping with dealing with major incidents at a moment&/courses/short-courses/bgxc003/39;s notice.
Unit 8: The future of change management
You&/courses/short-courses/bgxc003/39;ll learn from industry sectors well versed in dealing with disasters. The unit ends by taking a look at key factors in successful change implementation as a final way of inspiring you and your organisations to embrace change and implement it in a human-centred way.
You will learn
By the end of this CPD course you should be able to:
- explain the importance of a human-centred approach to management
- identify and evaluate some of the complex challenges and tensions facing contemporary managers
- understand a variety of change management models and how you might apply them
- reflect on insights from change management and apply them to your own work practice.
Learner support
Expert, confidential learner support is available when you need it from a learning adviser, who will respond to you directly. Other support is available via the course forum, dedicated website and computing helpdesk.
Practice-based assignment
There is a practice-based assignment (PBA) which you complete at the end of the course to demonstrate how you have applied, or are intending to apply, the theories and models you have learnt. Once completed and successfully passed you will receive a digital badge and a course completion certificate which you can download as a record of your learning.