What you will study
This CPD course is designed to advance your knowledge and practical skills in managing the therapeutic relationship which will improve your practice, because the way clients and therapists engage greatly influences the success of therapy. It is organised into five units:
Unit 1: Introduction sets up the course by showing the importance of the therapeutic relationship and current research on this subject. You will assess your abilities in handling the therapeutic relationship as you start the course.
Unit 2: The Beginning explores what to consider during the first sessions of therapy. You’ll be introduced to the nature and role of the therapeutic relationship, the factors that help or hinder developing a good therapeutic alliance, and how explicit communication can build the relationship. Issues of diversity and power, and how to manage these as in the therapeutic relationship, will also be covered.
Unit 3: The Middle focuses on key aspects of working with the therapeutic relationship during the core part of the therapeutic process. You’ll learn about maintaining and breaking boundaries, navigating and repairing ruptures in the therapeutic alliance, the ideas of transference and countertransference, and the concept of relational depth. Throughout the unit, you’ll learn the theory behind these ideas, see what research says, and gain insights into how they apply to clinical practice. You&/courses/short-courses/dgxs003/39;ll also engage with clinical examples and case studies and reflect on your own skills.
Unit 4: The End looks at the different types of endings in therapy and how they affect the therapist-client relationship. This crucial phase brings its unique challenges, whether planned or unplanned, such as when the therapist dies unexpectedly, or a client misses their final session. Psychotherapy offers a unique opportunity for a meaningful ending experience, where a good therapeutic relationship may continue in the client’s mind.
Unit 5: Conclusion reflects on how your understanding of working with the therapeutic relationship has broadened. It reassesses your competencies and provides resources for further study.
The course aligns with SCoPEd (The Scope of Practice and Education) framework Column B competences that are relevant to working with the therapeutic relationship. Completing this course will enhance your knowledge and confidence, helping counsellors and psychotherapists to offer counselling from a relational perspective.
You will learn
By studying this CPD course you will gain:
- an understanding of key concepts, dilemmas and debates related to working with the therapeutic relationship
- knowledge of the importance to analysing and addressing difficulties in the immediacy of the therapeutic encounter and find ways to overcome such difficulties
- an understanding of difficulties related to equality, diversity, power and authority between client and therapist
- an understanding of how to work therapeutically with ruptures and unconscious processes as opportunities for expanding the understanding of the client’s subjective experience of their difficulties
- awareness of complex issues arising around the ending of therapy.
Vocational relevance
This course will help counsellors and psychotherapists gain an advanced understanding of how to work effectively with the therapeutic relationship. It is designed to align with the SCoPEd competences framework, specifically Column B for Theme 3: Therapeutic Relationships.
Learner support
This short course offers online learning and contains self-study materials to be studied at your own pace. There is no learner support from learning advisers available on this course.