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Certificate of Higher Education in Mathematical Sciences - Learning outcomes

Educational aims

This certificate provides you with a foundation for study of mathematics, statistics and the mathematical sciences more generally.  You should achieve:

  • an understanding of the basic concepts of mathematics and statistics and pure and applied mathematical approaches
  • ability to use mathematical and statistical software
  • familiarity with the basics of modelling real-world situations and problems mathematically
  • familiarity with the basics of statistics and probability
  • ability to reason with abstract mathematical concepts at a basic level.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

On completion of this certificate, you will have begun to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  • numbers, sequences, functions, transformations, matrices, vectors, simple geometric shapes, calculus and algebra
  • data analysis and statistical methods, and be able to model real-world situations using these methods.

Cognitive skills

On completion of this certificate, you will have acquired (at a level appropriate to the certificate) ability:

  • in mathematical and statistical manipulation and calculation, using a computer package when appropriate
  • to analyse real-world problems in appropriate contexts
  • to appreciate mathematical and statistical arguments
  • in qualitative and quantitative problem-solving skills.

Practical and/or professional skills

On completion of this certificate, you will be able to demonstrate the following skills (appropriate to the level of the certificate):

  • apply mathematical and statistical concepts and principles
  • analyse problems (both theoretical and practical) and plan strategies for their solution
  • start to become an independent learner, able to acquire further knowledge with some guidance and support.

Key skills

On completion of this certificate, you will be able to demonstrate the following key skills:

  • read and/or listen to documents and discussions having mathematical/statistical content, with an appropriate level of understanding
  • communicate information having mathematical or statistical content accurately and effectively, using a format, structure and style that suits the purpose..
  • exhibit a high level of numeracy, appropriate to the level of the certificate
  • use information technology with confidence to acquire and present mathematical and statistical knowledge, and to model and solve practical problems.

Teaching, learning and assessment methods

Knowledge, understanding and application skills, as well as cognitive (thinking) skills, are acquired through distance-learning materials that include specially written module texts with practice exercises, guides to study and mathematical handbooks, comprehensive websites and a range of multimedia material (including computer software).

You will work independently with the distance-learning materials, while being supported by a tutor. You will be offered the opportunity to attend online tutorials, which you are strongly advised to attend. You are also encouraged to interact with other students, for example via moderated online forums.

Written tutor feedback on assignments provides you with individual tuition and guidance. Your learning is further assessed through examinations and projects. Generally, you are permitted to bring the module handbook into examinations, thus reducing the need for memorisation, and concentrating on your ability to apply concepts and techniques and express them clearly and coherently. Your module results will be determined by your performance on both the assignments and the examination/project. For each module the final result will be based on a combination of the examination (or end-of-module assessment) score and the score obtained on (or engagement with) the continuous assessment. In some cases there is a threshold on individual components.