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Professor James Robson

Profile summary

Professional biography

My classical career began with a degree in Greek and Roman Studies at Exeter, followed by postgraduate work at King’s College London, where I completed a PhD on humour and obscenity in the works of the Greek comic playwright, Aristophanes. Since arriving at the OU in 2000, I have been involved in the production of a number of the department’s courses, with the bulk of my work centring on fifth-century Greece and our Latin and Greek language modules.

I have previously served as Head of Departmentof Classical Studies (2011-14), Head of the School of Arts & Humanities (2016-19) and Scholarship Lead for Arts & Humanities (2020-21).I take a keen interest in teaching and pedagogy, ama Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and have experience as an External Examiner and Quality Reviewer. I have recently held the post ofGrants Officer of the Classical Association (2022-24), having previously been the CAHonorary Secretary(2018-22).

Research interests

One major strand of my research concerns the Greek comic playwright Aristophanes, especially the humour and sexuality of his plays and their translation into English. I have also publishedon sex and sexuality more broadly in classical Athenian society.

I have previously supervised a number of PhD students working on classical Greek literary, cultural and linguistic topics.



Aristophanes: Lysistrata, Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions, Bloomsbury

Jointly with M. Masterson and N. S. Rabinowitz (eds), Sex in Antiquity: Reconsidering Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World, Routledge

Sex and Sexuality in Classical Athens, Debates and Documents in Ancient History, Edinburgh University Press

Jointly with Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones: ٱ’ History of Persia: Tales of the Orient, Routledge

Aristophanes: An Introduction, Duckworth (shortlisted for the Runciman Award, 2010)

Humour, Obscenity and Aristophanes, Gunter Narr. .

Jointly with F. McHardy and D. Harvey (eds), Lost Dramas of Classical Athens: Greek Tragic Fragments, University of Exeter Press

Articles and Book Chapters

'Sex in Athens in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BCE', in M. E. Wiesner-Hanks and M. Kuefler (eds), The Cambridge World History of Sexualities, Vol III: Sites of Knowledge and Practice, Cambridge University Press, 1-26

'An Enviable Life or Worse than Death?Reconstructing Women's Experience of Marriage and Sex in Classical Athens', in A. Clark and E. W. Williams (eds), Sources and Methods in the History of Sexuality, Routledge, 102-18

'Whoring, Gaping and Hiding Meat: The Humour of Male-on-Male Sexual Insults in Aristophanes' Knights',󾱳è5: 24-34[]

‘Humouring the Masses: The Theatre Audience and theHighs and Lows of Aristophanic Comedy’, in L. Grig (ed.), Popular Culture in the Ancient World, Cambridge University Press, 66-87

'Aristophanes, Gender and Sexuality', in P. Walsh (ed.), Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aristophanes, Brill, 44-66 []

'The Frogs and Thesmophoriazusae', in A. Singh (ed.), Causeries, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, NL, 154-66

Jointly with MarkMasterson, 'The Book and its Influence', preface to the re-issue of K. J. Dover, Greek Homosexuality, Bloomsbury, xv-xxvii []

‘Fantastic Sex: Fantasies of Sexual Assault in Aristophanes’, in M. Masterson, N. S. Rabinowitz and J. Robson (eds), Sex in Antiquity: Reconsidering Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World, Routledge, 315-31

'Slipping One In: The Introduction of Obscene Lexical Items in Aristophanes’, S. D. Olson (ed.), Ancient Comedy and Reception: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Henderson, de Gruyter, 29-50

'The Language(s) of Love in Aristophanes', E. Sanders, C. Thumiger, C. Carey and N. J. Lowe (eds),Erôs in Ancient Greece, Oxford University Press, 251-66

‘Beauty and Sex Appeal in Aristophanes’, EuGeStA (Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity) 3: 43-66 []

'Transposing Aristophanes: The Theory and Practice of Translating Aristophanic Lyric', Greece & Rome 59: 214-44

‘Friends and Foes: The People of Lysistrata’, D. Stuttard (ed.), Looking at Lysistrata, Duckworth, 49-60

‘Lost in Translation? The Problem of (Aristophanic) Humour’, L. Hardwick and C. Stray (eds), A Companion to Classical Receptions, Blackwell, 168-82

‘Catullus 22: Suffenus iste – A Catullan Riddle?’, Classica et Mediaevalia 58: 209-14

‘Self and Society in Classical Athens’, P. Perkins (ed.), Experiencing the Classical World, Open University, 86-109

‘Aristophanes on How to Write Tragedy: What You Wear is What You Are’, F. McHardy, J. Robson and D. Harvey (eds), Lost Dramas of Classical Athens: Greek Tragic Fragments, University of Exeter Press, 173-188

‘New Clothes, A New You: Clothing and Character in Aristophanes’, L. Cleland, L. Llewellyn-Jones and M. Harlow (eds), The Clothed Body in the Ancient World, Oxbow, 65-74

‘Bestiality and Bestial Rape in Greek Myth’, S. Deacy and K. Pearce (eds), Rape in Antiquity, Duckworth, 65-96

Teaching and Pedagogy

Jointly with M. E. Lloyd, 'The Battle for Latin in UK Universities: A Statistical Analysis of Factors Driving Student Success and Failure in Beginners’ Latin Modules', The Language Learning Journal 51.3 []

Jointly with M. E. Lloyd, 'Battling for Latin: Instructors and Students on the Challenges of Teaching and Learning Beginners’ Latin in UKUniversities',Classical World116.2: 195-223

Jointly with M. E. Lloyd,‘A Survey of Beginner’s Latin Teaching in UK Classics Departments (2019)’, Bulletin of the Council of University Classical Departments52: 1-33 []

Jointly with M. E. Lloyd, 'Staying the Distance: Transforming Latin Pedagogy at the Open University',Journal of Latin Linguistics18.1-2: 101-128

Jointly with M. E. Lloyd, 'Making IT Count: Measuring Student Engagement with Online Resources at the Open University', inB. Natoli and S. Hunt (eds)Teaching Classics with Technology, Bloomsbury, 39-52

Jointly with M. E. Lloyd, 'A Survey of Beginner's Language Teaching in UK Classics Departments: Ancient Greek',Bulletin of the Council of University Classical Departments 47 []

Jointly with M. E. Lloyd, 'A Survey of Beginner's Language Teaching in UK Classics Departments: Latin',Bulletin of the Council of University Classical Departments47 []

Jointly with E-J Graham, 'Classics Online at the Open University: Teaching and Learning with Interactive Resources', in A. Holmes-Henderson, M. Musiéand S. Hunt(eds),Forward with Classics!: Classical Languages in Schools and Communities, Bloomsbury, 217-29

‘Bridging the Divide: Innovations in Language Teaching at the Open University’, Bulletin of the Council of University Classical Departments 39: 11-14 []

‘E徱ٴǰ’, Journal of Classics Teaching 13 (spring): 1 [Guest editorship of themed issue on Adult Education]

Reading Greek: Grammar and Exercises, Cambridge University Press: Revisions to Sections 3-9 for 2nd edition: 54-209

Jointly with Jeremy Taylor: ‘Greek and Latin Web Resources at the Open University’, Journal of Classics Teaching 10 (spring): 29-30

‘“Night was departing …”: Using Translations in Post-Beginners’ Language Teaching’, Different Lights, Different Hands (LTSN Subject Centre for History, Classics, Archaeology, 26 January 2002), D. Fitzpatrick and L. Hardwick (eds), Open University, 85-100

‘Commentaries and Post-beginners’ Language Learning’, Old Wine, New Bottles: Texts for Classics in a Changed Learning Environment at University: Proceedings of the Teaching and Learning with Texts, Commentaries and Translations Colloquium (LTSN Subject Centre for History, Classics, Archaeology, 26 January 2002), D. Fitzpatrick, L. Hardwick, S. Ireland and D. Montserrat (eds), Open University, 51-60

Shorter Articles and Outreach

Entries on 'Humour and Laughter, Theories of', 'Lampito', 'Translations' and'Wordplay', in A. H. Sommerstein (ed.),Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, Wiley-Blackwell []

'Comforting to Know that Comedians Still Take on the Tough Job of Tackling Taboos', The Scotsman, 14/8/18 []

Entry on 'Aristophanes', in J. Burgess, E. Kneebone, V. Liapis and L. Swift(eds),The Literary Encyclopedia,Volume 1.1.1:Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Writing and Culture, 800-100 B.C.E.[]

'Greek Homosexuality for Millennials', ARGO: A Hellenic Review 4: 4-5

'The Truth about Sex in Ancient Greece',The Conversation1/4/15[]

‘Classical Comedy was Just as Risquéas Rik Mayall', London Evening Standard, 17/6/14 []

Entries on ‘Grotesque Character(s)’ and ‘Tragicomedy in Tragedy’ in H. Roisman (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy, Blackwell

‘Good and Bad Comedy in Aristophanes’ dzܻ’, Omnibus 60 (September 2010) 16-18 []

‘The Ancient Greeks were the True Masters of Obscenity’, London Evening Standard, 25/11/09 []

‘Humour, Translation and Aristophanes’ Wasps’, Omnibus 52 (September 2006) 32-3 []

‘Translating Aristophanes’ Humour’, Journal of Classics Teaching 2 (summer) 3-5

See also for further details of James Robson’s research publications.

Teaching interests

I have written teaching materialson various aspects of the ancient world, includingGreek comedy, Homer’s Iliadand ancient Greek concepts of sexuality and ideals of dress, beauty and adornment(A864 MA Classical Studies Part 2). On the language side, I led theteamwhichproduced A275, Reading Classical Greek: Language and Literature,and was lead author for the language strand of A276Classical Latin: The Language of Ancient Rome. Ihave previously chaired a number of Greek and Latin language modules, overseen the production of a variety of interactive resources for students of ancient languages, and was lead author of our MA materialson working with Greek and Latin texts (A863 MA Classical Studies Part 1). I recentlychaired the production ofa new module, A350 Greek and Roman Myth: Stories and Histories, for which I authored study materials on the myth of Medea in Euripides and beyond.

My contribution to our classical languages profile was formally recognized in 2006 by an Open University Teaching Award.

I regularly givetalks on pedagogy and the teaching of ancient languages andam particularly interested in the use of new technology to support the learning of Latin and Ancient Greek. In 2014 co-organizeda conference at the OU on this topic:. I have recently beenworking with Dr Mair Lloyd on a British Academy funded project called The Battle for Latin: improving retention and progression for beginner’s Latin students in UK universities.

 Lysistrata (Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions) by [James Robson]

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Greek and Latin Texts ClusterClusterFaculty of Arts


Lloyd, Mair E. and Robson, James
Language Learning Journal, 52(3) (pp. 349-365)

Lloyd, Mair and Robson, James
Classical World, 116(2) (pp. 195-223)

Lloyd, Mair E. and Robson, James
Journal of Latin Linguistics, 18(1-2) (pp. 101-128)

Robson, James
Archimède: Archéologie et Histoire Ancienne, 5 (pp. 24-34)

Robson, James and Lloyd, Mair E.
Council of University Classical Departments Bulletin, 47

Lloyd, Mair E. and Robson, James
Council of University Classical Departments Bulletin, 47

Robson, James
EuGeStA: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, 3 (pp. 43-66)

Robson, James
Greece & Rome, 59(2) (pp. 214-244)

Robson, James
Classica et Mediaevalia, 58 (pp. 209-214)

Robson, James
Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions
ISBN : 978-1-350-09031-6 | Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing | Published : London

Robson, James
Debates and Documents
ISBN : 9780748634132 | Publisher : Edinburgh University Press | Published : Edinburgh

Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd and Robson, James
Routledge Classical Translations
ISBN : 978-0415364119 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon, Oxon

Robson, James
ISBN : 978-0715634523 | Publisher : Duckworth | Published : London

Robson, James
Drama - studien zum antiken drama und seiner rezeption
ISBN : 3823362208 | Publisher : Gunter Narr Verlag | Published : Tuebingen, Germany

Robson, James
In: Clark, Anna and Williams, Elizabeth W. eds. Sources and Methods in the History of Sexuality. Routledge Guides to Using Historical Sources (pp. 102-118)
ISBN : 9781032655819 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York

Robson, James
In: Wiesner-Hanks, M. E. and Kuefler, M. eds. Sites of Knowledge and Practice. The Cambridge World History of Sexualities (pp. 1-26)
ISBN : 9781108842105 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge

Robson, James and Lloyd, Mair
In: Natoli, Bartolo and Hunt, Steven eds. Teaching Classics with Technology (pp. 39-52)
ISBN : 978-1-350-11093-9 | Publisher : Bloomsbury | Published : London

Robson, James and Graham, Emma-Jayne
In: Holmes-Henderson, Arlene; Hunt, Steven and Musié, Mai eds. Forward with Classics: Classical Languages in Schools and Communities (pp. 217-299)
ISBN : 9781474295956 | Publisher : Bloomsbury | Published : London

Robson, James
In: Grig, Lucy ed. Popular Culture in the Ancient World (pp. 66-87)
ISBN : 978-1-107-07489-7 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge

Robson, James
In: Burgess, J.; Kneebone, E.; Liapis, V. and Swift, L. eds. The Literary Encyclopedia, Volume 1.1.1: Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Writing and Culture, 800-100 B.C.E.
Publisher : The Literary Encyclopedia

Masterson, Mark and Robson, James
In: Dover, K. J. ed. Greek Homosexuality (3rd edition) (xv-xxvii)
ISBN : 978-1-4742-5715-2 | Publisher : Bloomsbury | Published : London

Robson, James
In: Singh, Alexandre ed. Causeries (pp. 154-166)
ISBN : 978-94-91435-46-1 | Publisher : Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art | Published : Rotterdam, Netherlands

Robson, James
In: Walsh, Philip ed. Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aristophanes. Brill's Companions to Classical Reception (pp. 44-66)
ISBN : 9789004270688 | Publisher : Brill | Published : Leiden and Boston

Robson, James
In: Masterson, Mark; Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin and Robson, James eds. Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Rewriting Antiquity (pp. 315-331)
ISBN : 9780415519410 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon

Robson, James
In: Olson, S. Douglas ed. Ancient Comedy and Reception: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Henderson (pp. 29-50)
ISBN : 978-1-61451-166-3 | Publisher : De Gruyter | Published : Berlin

Robson, James
In: Sanders, Ed.; Thumiger, Chiara; Carey, Christopher and Lowe, Nick eds. Eros in Ancient Greece (pp. 251-266)
ISBN : 9780199605507 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford

Robson, James
In: Stuttard, David ed. Looking at Lysistrata (pp. 49-60)
ISBN : 978-1853997365 | Publisher : Duckworth | Published : London

Robson, James
In: Hardwick, Lorna and Stray, Christopher eds. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World (pp. 168-182)
ISBN : 9781405151672 | Publisher : Blackwell Publishing | Published : Oxford, UK

Robson, James
In: McHardy, Fiona; Robson, James and Harvey, David eds. Lost dramas of classical Athens: Greek tragic fragments (pp. 171-186)
ISBN : 859897524 | Publisher : Exeter University Press | Published : Exeter, UK

Robson, James
In: Cleland, Liza; Harlow, Mary and Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd eds. The Clothed Body in the Ancient World (pp. 65-74)
ISBN : 1 84217 165 8 | Publisher : Oxbow Books | Published : Oxford, UK

Robson, James
In: Fitzpatrick, David ed. Different lights, different hands: working with translations in classics and ancient history at university (pp. 85-100)
ISBN : 749296569 | Publisher : èƵ | Published : Milton Keynes, UK

Robson, James
In: Fitzpatrick, David; Hardwick, Lorna; Ireland, Stanley and Montserrat, Dominic eds. Old wine, new bottles: texts for classics in a changed learning environment at university (pp. 51-60)
ISBN : 0 7492 9613 5 | Publisher : èƵ | Published : Milton Keynes, UK

Robson, James
In: Deacy, S and Pearce, K eds. Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds (pp. 65-96)
ISBN : 0-7156-2754-6 | Publisher : Duckworth | Published : London

Masterson, Mark; Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin and Robson, James eds.
Rewriting Antiquity
ISBN : 978-0-415-51941-0 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon, New York