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Dr Keir Irwin-Rogers

Profile summary

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Professional biography

Before joining ¿ìèÊÓƵ, I spent 10 years with the University of Sheffield, studying for a BA in History, an MA in International Criminology, an MA in Law, and a PhD in Criminal Justice.ÌýI am studying part-time with the OU for a BAÌýin Economics.Ìý

In JanuaryÌý2017, I joined the Department of Social Policy and Criminology at the Open University, supporting the developmentÌýof the university'sÌýnew BA(Hons) Criminology.Ìý

Research interests

My current researchÌýconcerns the happiness, health and wellbeing ofÌýchildren and young people, with a particular focus on reducingÌývariousÌýforms of social harm and interpersonal violence in children and young people's lives.

Between January 2021-January 2024, I worked as a Co-InvestigatorÌýon aÌýthree-year, ESRC-funded project entitled, 'Public Health, Youth and Violence Reduction'. The project aimedÌýto better understand the causes of violence between young people and advance our understanding of effective ways to prevent such violence.

PriorÌýto this, I conducted research and published on the subjects of sentencing, community sanctions andÌýyoung people's use of social media.


Irwin-Rogers, K.,ÌýBillingham, L., Fraser, A., Gillon, F., McVie, S. and Newburn, T. (forthcoming)ÌýPreventing Violence: The Past, Present and Future of the Public Health Approach.ÌýBristol: Bristol University Press.Ìý

Billingham, L. andÌýIrwin-Rogers, K.Ìý(2022)ÌýAgainst Youth Violence: A Social Harm Perspective.ÌýBristol: Bristol University Press.Ìý

Selection of articles

Billingham, L. and Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìý(2021) The terrifying abyss of insignificance: Marginalisation, mattering and violence between young people.ÌýOnati Socio-Legal Series.Ìý11(5): 1222-1249.

Irwin-Rogers, K.,Ìýde-Lappe, J. and Phoenix, J. (2020) Anti-social shifts in social policy and serious violence between young people: Evidence from the cross-party Youth Violence Commission.ÌýBritish Journal of Community Justice.Ìý16(2/3): 4-27.

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìý(2020) Crime, drugs and consumer capitalism: mind the trap.ÌýSociology Review. 29(3): 18-22.

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìý(2019) Illicit Drug Markets,ÌýConsumer Capitalism, and the Rise of Social Media: A Toxic Trap for Young People.ÌýCritical Criminology.Ìý27: 591-610.

Irwin-Rogers, K. andÌýRoberts, J. V.Ìý(2019)ÌýSwimming against the tide: The Suspended Sentence Order in England & Wales 2000-2018.ÌýLaw & Contemporary Problems. 82(1): 137-162.

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìý(2018) Racism and Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System: Exploring the views of men serving sentences of imprisonment.ÌýJustice, Power, Resistance.Ìý2(2): 243-266.

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìýand Harding, S. (2018) Challenging the orthodoxy on pupil gang involvement:ÌýWhen two social fields collide.ÌýBritish Educational Research Journal.Ìý44(3): 463-479.Ìý

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìý(2017) Legitimacy on licence: Why and how legitimacy matters.ÌýThe Howard Journal of Crime & Justice.Ìý56(1): 53-71.Ìý

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìý(2017) Staff-resident relationships in Approved Premises: What a difference a door makes.ÌýProbation Journal.Ìý64(4): 388-404.Ìý

Selection of book chapters

Irwin-Rogers, K.ÌýandÌýReeves, C.Ìý(2019) Post-prison Residential Supervision.ÌýRoutledge Companinion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice. Abingdon:ÌýRoutledge.

Irwin-Rogers, K.,ÌýDecker, S., Stephenson, S., Rostami, A. and van Hellemont, E. (2019) Street gangs and urban violence in Europe. In I. Vojnovic, A. Pearson, G. Asiki, G. Deverteuil and A. Adriana (Eds.) Handbook of Global Urban Health: The Metropolis and Modern Life. New York: Routledge.ÌýPp: 484-508.

Irwin-Rogers, K., Densley, J. and Pinkney, C. (2018) Social media and Gang Violence. In J. L. Ireland, P. Birch and C. A. Ireland (Eds.)ÌýInternational Handbook on Aggression. Abingdon: Routledge.

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìýand Perry, T. W. (2015) Sentencing Domestic Burglary. In J. V. Roberts (Ed.)ÌýExploring Sentencing Practice in England and Wales.ÌýLondon: Palgrave.

Roberts, J. V. andÌýIrwin-Rogers, K.Ìý(2015) Overview of sentencing patterns and historical trends in sentencing. In J. V. Roberts (Ed.)ÌýExploring Sentencing Practice in England and Wales.ÌýLondon: Palgrave.

Research reports

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìýand Fraser, A. (2021) A Public Health Approach to Violence Reduction. Research in Practice Briefing Paper.

Irwin-Rogers, K.,ÌýMuthoo, A. and Billingham, L. (2020) Youth Violence Commission: Final Report.Ìý

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìýand Shuter, M. (2017)ÌýFairness in the Criminal Justice System: What's race got to do with it?ÌýLondon, Catch22.

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìýand Pinkney, C. (2017)ÌýSocial Media as a Catalyst and Trigger for Youth Violence.ÌýLondon, Catch22.

Irwin-Rogers, K.Ìý(2016)ÌýSafer Schools: Keeping gang culture outside of the school gates. London, Catch22.

Conference Papers:

  • Drug prohibition, Inequality and Consumer Capitalism: A Toxic Trap,ÌýUniversity of Sheffield, School of Law, Centre for Criminological Research (April 2018, Sheffield)
  • Serious Youth Violence, Drugs and Social Media.ÌýYouth Justice Convention 2017 (November 2017, Leicester)
  • Exploring the harms of the war on drugs for young people involved in drug distribution:Ìýa social media lens.ÌýEuropean Society of Criminology Annual Conference (September 2017, Cardiff)
  • Serious youth violence and online social media, Youth Justice Board Forum (November 2016, Middlesex University)
  • Fairness and legitimacy across the criminal justice system, The Ministry of Justice (September 2016, Ministry of Justice, London)
  • Social Media and Serious Youth Violence, National Police Chiefs' Council, Open Source Conference (October 2016, Leicester)
  • Gang Violence and Child Sexual Exploitation, Home Office Quarterly Forum on Ending Gang Violence and Exploitation (July, 2016, Home Office, London)
  • Gangs and Social Media, Metropolitan Police, Trident Unit, National Gangs Policing Conference (October 2016, London)
  • Serious Youth Violence, County Lines and Online Social Media, European Society of Criminology Working Group on Gangs (June 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • Supporting care leavers involved in gangs, National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum (September 2015, Birmingham)
  • Legitimacy and community sanctions, European Society of Criminology Working Group on Community Sanctions (June 2015, The University of Sheffield)
  • Beyond the prison gate: Exploring licencees’ perceptions of legitimacy, Annual Criminology PhD conference (September, 2013, The University of Oxford).Ìý

Impact and engagement

During 2017-2020,ÌýI was lead criminologist to theÌýcross-partyÌýYouth Violence Commission, taking evidence during expert panel sessions and providing academic support for its interim and final reports. This work, among other things, led me to submit an Impact Case Study for REF2021.

Based on the findings of my research on the links between young people’s activity on social media and serious youth violence, I engaged in a range of impact and engagement activities, including:

  • A presentation to the Home Office’s Ending Gang Violence and Exploitation Quarterly Forum. The workshop was attended by delegates from a range of backgrounds across the state, VCSE and private sectors.
  • Invited to brief MPs Chuka Umunna, David Lammy and Vicky Foxcroft before a Parliamentary Chamber debate on Gangs and Serious Youth Violence.
  • A presentationÌýat the annual Youth Justice Convention
  • A presentation at a Youth Justice Board Forum event on serious youth violence (University of Middlesex). Ìý
  • Invited to meet with Google’s Public Affairs team to discuss appropriate responses from social media providers to breaches of their community guidelines.
  • A presentation at the National Police Chiefs’ Council conference on Open Source Data.
  • Invited to present and be a panel member at a Public Policy Exchange Event on Ending Gang Violence & Exploitation.
  • A presentationÌýat Bristol City Hall for a Catch22 organised event on social media and youth violence.
  • DeliveredÌýa conference paper at the annual Eurogang conference in Gothenburg, Sweden, attended by academics from across Europe and the USA, as well as professionals in Sweden working with gang-involved young people.
  • A presentationÌýat a MET police conference on gangs and serious youth violence.
  • DeliveredÌýtraining sessions on gangs and youth violence to social workers, independent reviewing officers, youth offending team workers and foster carers.

Based on the findings of my research on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic disproportionate representation in the criminal justice system:

  • Invited to run dissemination workshops in HMP Wandsworth and HMP Thameside, which involved presenting main findings to management-level staff, as well as prison officers and prison chaplains.
  • Presented at an interim workshop at the Ministry of Justice and coordinated a workshop on the subject of rehabilitation with people from a BAME background.


Stevens, Alex; Schreeche-Powell, Ed; Billingham, Luke and Irwin-Rogers, Keir
Critical Criminology ((Early access))

Billingham, Luke and Irwin-Rogers, Keir
Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 11(5) (pp. 1222-1249)

Irwin-Rogers, Keir; de-Lappe, Joseph and Phoenix, Jo
British Journal of Community Justice, 16(2/3) (pp. 4-27)

Irwin-Rogers, Keir
Critical Criminology, 27 (pp. 591-610)

Irwin-Rogers, Keir and Roberts, Julian V.
Law & Contemporary Problems, 82(1) (pp. 137-162)

Irwin-Rogers, Keir
Justice, Power and Resistance, 2(2) (pp. 243-266)

Irwin-Rogers, Keir and Harding, Simon
British Educational Research Journal, 44(3) (pp. 463-479)

Irwin-Rogers, Keir
Probation Journal, 64(4) (pp. 388-404)

Irwin-Rogers, Keir
The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 56(1) (pp. 53-71)

Billingham, Luke and Irwin-Rogers, Keir
ISBN : 978-1529214062 | Publisher : Bristol University Press

Irwin Rogers, Keir
In: Canning, Victoria; Martin, Greg and Tombs, Steve eds. The Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology (pp. 37-48)
ISBN : 978-1-80262-200-3 | Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited | Published : Bingley, UK

Irwin-Rogers, Keir and Reeves, Carla
In: Ugwudike, Pamela; Graham, Hannah; McNeill, Fergus; Raynor, Peter; Taxman, Faye S. and Trotter, Chris eds. The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice
ISBN : 9781138103320 | Publisher : Routledge

Irwin-Rogers, K.; Decker, S.; Rostami, A.; Stephenson, S. and Van Hellemont, E.
In: Vojnovic, I.; Pearson, A.; Asiki, G.; DeVerteuil, G. and Adriana, A. eds. Handbook of Global Urban Health. The Metropolis and Modern Life (pp. 484-508)
ISBN : 9781315465456 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : New York

Irwin-Rogers, Keir; Densley, James and Pinkney, Craig
In: Ireland, Jane L.; Ireland, Carol A. and Birch, Philip eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Human Aggression
ISBN : 9781138668188 | Publisher : Routledge

Roberts, Julian V. and Irwin Rogers, Keir
In: Roberts, Julian V. ed. Exploring Sentencing Practice in England and Wales (pp. 35-60)
ISBN : 978-1-137-39039-4 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

Irwin Rogers, Keir and Perry, Thomas W.
In: Roberts, Julian V. ed. Exploring Sentencing Practice in England and Wales (pp. 194-220)
ISBN : 978-1-137-39039-4 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

Irwin-Rogers, Keir; Muthoo, Abhinay and Billingham, Luke
Youth Violence Commission