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Dr Vinay Kathotia

Photograph of Vinay Kathotia

Profile summary

Professional biography

I joined the Open University in August 2021 as a Lecturer in Mathematics Education. I have previously worked on various aspects of mathematics and mathematics education in the UK and overseas, most recently as a Senior Research Associate at Manchester Metropolitan University on a Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) trial, run at secondary and middle schools across England.

Research interests

My research interests are centred on supporting an equitable, socially just and empowering mathematics education. Particular strands include:

  • Mathematics as sense-making and argumentation, grounded in learners’ experiences and . Joint work with Kate O’Brien and Yvette Solomon – please also see  for related teaching resources and research.
  • Making mathematics – the interplay of art, craft, mathematics and technology for a joyful and expressive mathematics. Collaboration with Eva Knoll, Kate O'Brien, Ricardo Nemirovsky and others, and with in India, who have worked on Gandhian Basic Education / Nai Talim (since its inception in the 1930s), which uses craft as a pedagogical basis. Some ‘making mathematics’ design principles are outlined in the article Critical Experiences of Expressive Mathematics (joint with Ricardo Nemirovsky, pages 22-25 in the , 2018, Barcelona).
  • Diagrammatic representation – research on the use of diagrams (and animation) in mathematics and in mathematical learning. An example is the short paper, (joint with Elizabeth Kimber, at the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 2019, Utrecht).

Teaching interests

I am interested in

  • supporting learners in for mathematical concepts and processes, and
  • supporting inclusive and deliberative learning experiences, in particular for distance/remote learning.

I am Module Team Deputy Chair for ME321, Learning and Doing Geometry, and for ME620, Mathematical Thinking in Schools, and am part of the team developing ME322, Learning and Doing Algebra, which launched in October 2022. 

Impact and engagement

I support and present Royal Institution mathematics masterclasses, run teacher workshops for the Prince’s Teaching Institute, and am an ambassador for . I recently worked with Andrew Griffin, Eva Knoll, Paul Gailiunas and Felicity Wood on an e-book, , to commemorate and celebrate the life and work of John Sharp, who passed away in 2020. John did much to connect people, art and mathematics, and was co-organiser of  in London and a subsequent Maths-Art seminar series at the London Knowledge Lab.


Nemirovsky, Ricardo; Kathotia, Vinay and Mégrourèche, Charlotte
Frontiers in Education, 8, Article 1286944

Bonte, M.; Ivinson, G.; Merkley, R.; Bain, P.; Castles, A.; Cheung, P.; Clements, D.; Cook, C.; Cristia, A.; Day-Hess, C.; Dowker, A.; Draper, C.; Flewitt, R.; Germein, S.; Grigorenko, E.; Grotzer, T.; Hackett, A.; Kathotia, V.; Kievit, R.; McBride, C.; O'Brien, K.; Sarama, J.; Sommerville, M.; Strader, S. and Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden, C.
In: Duraiappah, A.K.; Atteveldt, N.M.; Bugden, S. and Borst, G. eds. Reimagining education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment (pp. 282-355)
ISBN : 978-93-91756-04-8 | Publisher : United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development | Published : New Delhi, India

Nemirovsky, Ricardo; Kathotia, Vinay and Mégrourèche, Charlotte
In : 13th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (10-14 Jul 2023, Budapest, Hungary)

Kathotia, Vinay; O’Brien, Kate and Solomon, Yvette
In : 11th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference (MES11) (24 Sep - 29 Sep 2021, University of Klagenfurt (Online)) (pp. 545-554)

Smith, Cathy; Kathotia, Vinay; Ward-Penny, Robert; Howson, Oli and Wermelinger, Michel
The Royal Society