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Dr Wendy McInally

Profile summary

Professional biography

Combining the knowledge, skills, insight, and expertise developed over 30 years in practice, education, and research across the United Kingdom (UK) and internationally, I have built a comprehensive professional portfolio. I joined the Open University (OU) in April 2020 as a Senior Lecturer for Children and Young People’s (CYPs) Nursing and have been the Module Chair for K*104 since the beginning of the Future Nurse Curriculum (FNC). I was the Field Lead for CYPs Nursing and established a community of practice (CYPs Professional Nursing Group) within the school to ensure CYPs nursing is threaded throughout the FNC. Part of this role was to support, encourage other colleagues to explore pockets of scholarship and research that would inform their practice. I am a module team member for K*805 and K*329 and have been instrumental in both the production and presentation of module materials. I am a lead supervisor on the Prof doc programme and also support colleagues in the School regarding their Research, Scholarship, Development Planning. I am Line Manager for two new central academic colleagues and supporting them in Research and Knowledge Exchange (KE), for example one colleague is focusing on the provision of reasonable adjustments for student nurses. Currently I sit on three Research groups (OUiS Research Group, CYPs and Nursing).

In addition, I have experience in leading and developing nursing curriculums (undergraduate and postgraduate), international modules for global leadership and influencing and implementing ‘myknowledgemap’ for students to have the experience of an ePractice Assessment Document and ePortfolio. I am a SFHEA (2015) and was the Chair for the Teaching Fellow Grants Committee in my previous HEI, Edinburgh Napier University. I focused on enriching the overall student experience through this role. I have continued to promote similar practices within the OU and, in particular, PRAXIS and KTV grants supporting all colleagues in applying for these. Being successful in receiving KTV, Research impact and KE funding, I am very familiar with these processes and working with other colleagues across the faculty. An example of KE is through receiving funding from OUiS and from KE to develop a cancer nursing working group across UK and have face to face meetings with them in June 2022/23. This working group continues and we are currently focusing on teenagers and young people living with melanoma with the hope to apply for external funding moving forward.

As a widely recognised and influential cancer academic/nurse specialist, I have led on developing and implementing many best practice initiatives through Research and KE. Recently, I was awarded one of the first Teenage and Young Adult Cancer (TYAC) grants after completing a KTV grant obtained in 2021/22. I have wide experience of being successful in applying for KE grants as well as mentoring and supporting colleagues across the school. In 2022 I developed a proposal with the United Kingdom’s Oncology Nursing Society group (UKONS) and European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) to bring the European Cancer Nursing Day to Edinburgh Scotland. The OUiS were very supportive of this event, where a Civic reception was provided for by the Lord Provost and Research Impact funding allowed three European nurses from low income countries to attend. In 2021 I became the Education Working Group Chair and elected as an Executive Board member for EONS and I am the lead along with the Task Group in developing a European College for Cancer Nursing (ECCN).This has been developed from funding applied for and received through the European School of Oncology (ESO). I am an active member of TYAC and sit on the Research Group, Society of International Oncology of Paediatrics, and as such ideally placed to collaborate with colleagues from across the world, continuing to develop cancer research, education, and practice initiatives. I am on the advisory board for ESO and Accreditation Council of Oncology supporting nursing across Europe. In 2022/23 I led on WP2 developing a Interspeciality curriculum for healthcare professional as part of an EU4Health project.

Research interests

Teenagers and Young People with Cancer, Children, Melanoma, Qualitative methodology, Education, Learning, Assessment.

OU Scholarship/Knowledge Exchange

2023 Project Title: European Cancer Nursing Day in Edinburgh,Funder: Research impact Grant: £2,500 Collaborators: UKONS(£15,000 to EONS) OUiS

2022/23 Project: Developing a community practice with CNSs across UK for TYA with melanoma,Funder: KE OuiS and England Grant: £7,000

2021/22 Project: To work with cancer nurse specialists across Europe (including United Kingdom) to explore and understand experiences of adolescents and young adults with skin cancer (Malignant Melanoma). Funder: KTV Grant: £10,000


November 2017. Project: I was instrumental in bringing a high-profile event, there is a Light: BRIGHTLIGHT', to Edinburgh raising public awareness of the specific cancer-related issues faced by teenagers and young people. Funder: MacMillan cancer support and TF Grant:£8,000

2015-2020 Project: Development of cancer education materials for CCLG via Moodle Funder: Teaching Fellow Grant: £12,000,

Funded Research

2021/23 Project: To develop a college for cancer nursing across Europe Funder: ESO Grant £65,000

2022/23 Project: To develop a Inter-speciality curriculum Funder: EU Grant led by European Cancer Organization Grant: (£2.5 million of which £40,000 for my time to OU) as lead for WP2

2022/23 Project: To explore the experiences of young people living with melanoma Funder:TYAC Grant £30,00

2021/22 ABC (advanced breast cancer) EONS Funder: Pfizer Grant: £250,000

Other Research grants awarded: 2014 Melville Grant £6,000, 2013 Florence Nightingale Travel £5,000 Stephen Sutton award, Teenage Cancer Trust, £5,000.

Teaching interests

Module Chair

2020- Now K*104 Introduction to Healthcare Practice (60 credits)

Team member:

2020 and 2023 K*805 Advancing professional practice (60 credits)

2020 -2022 K*211 Developing nursing practice (60 credits)

2020-2023 K*326/7/8/9 Becoming an autonomous practitioner (60 credits)

External examiner

2019-2020 External Examiner Southbank for validation CYPs nursing Programme

2013 -2018External Examiner, BSc Nursing Programme, Salford University

Impact and engagement

Two pockets of work 1) Cancer education across Europe 2) Teenagers and Young people with melanoma and their signifiucant other.

1) I am the Education Working Group Chair EONS and Board memeber. I am the lead for the European College for Cancer Nursing (ECCN).

In May 2023 I was successful in bringing the European Cancer Nurses Day (ECND) 2023 to Edinburgh.

This was a joint adventure with the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) (of which I am a Board member and the Chair of the Education Working Group) the United Kingdom Oncology Nursing Society UKONS, and the OUiS.

The ECND 2023 will build on my research and scholarship profile around cancer education and training for nurses and other healthcare professionals across Europe. This conference brought together key stakeholders and nurses from across Europe to celebrate cancer nursing and to work on strategy for education and training for nurses across Europe. Education and training of nurses especially is vital as we see many leaving the profession and recruitment has fallen to an all time low. Cancer nursing is a speciality in its own right and not many nurses want to work in this area of care.

In May 2021 I led a Task Group (TG) of ten nurses from across Europe on the development of the ECCN. This development led to the TG ensuring we had continuous evaluation of the materials and what nurses require to be safe within their practice. I have presented this work at the ESMO/EONS15 conference in Paris 2022and from this have been invited as a plenary speaker at the ICCN in Glasgow 2023.

In addition to this research and scholarly activity I have led on an EU4Health grant on developing inter-speciality training (IST) for nurses. I have presented this at the European Cancer Organisation congress in Brussels 2022 and have submitted a paper on the qualitative survey to the Journal of Cancer Education. The aims of this overall project were to gather the participants experiences of IST and to identify the challenges and barriers in delivery and why IST was considered necessary. Convenience samples were sent to 219 HCPs across Europe, with 115 (55%) responding to the qualitative survey. The sample represented cancer nurses, clinical and medical oncologists, patient and patient advocate, radiation oncologists’ cancer surgeons.

2) My PhD explored the experiences of young people living with melanoma which was completed in March 2020. Since then I have been successful in securing KTV, KEgrants and currently a TYAC grant. This work has been disseminated through national and international confereneces and various publications.

External collaborations

Membership or offices held in learned societies and professional bodies

2019 - 2023 EONS Board member (current)

2018- 2023 EONS EWG Chair (current)

2006- 2023 TYAC/CCLG member (current) CCLG Chair 2008-2013

2006- 2023 SIOPe (current)


European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS)

European School of Oncology (ESO)

European Cancer Oncology (ECO)

Society of International Oncology Paediatrics Europe (SIOPe)

Western Carolina University (North Carolina)

Lahti University (Finland)

Externally funded projects

Young lives interrupted by malignant melanoma: exploring the experiences within a relational context
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Sep 202229 Feb 2024TYAC Teenage and Young Adult Cancer

Exploring experiences of young people with malignant melanoma and that of their family/significant other


McInally, Wendy; Taylor, Vanessa; de Los Rios de la Serna, Celia Diez; Sulosaari, Virpi; Trigoso, Eugenia; Gomes, Sara Margarida Rodrigues; Dias, Ana Rita Cesario; Piskorjanac, Silvija; Tanay, Mary Anne; Hálfdánardóttir, Halldóra and Dowling, Maura
Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 39 (pp. 426-436)

Sulosaari, Virpi; Dodlek, Nikolina; Brandl, Andreas; De Munter, Johan; Eriksen, Jesper Grau; McInally, Wendy; O’Higgins, Niall; Benstead, Kim and Díez de los Ríos de la Serna, Celia
BMC Medical Education, 24, Article 767(1)

Benstead, Kim; Brandl, Andrea; Brouwers, Ton; Civera, Jorge; Collen, Sarah; Csaba, Degi L.; De Munter, Johan; Dewitte, Marieke; Diez de los Rios, Celia; Dodlek, Nikolina; Eriksen, Jesper G.; Forget, Patrice; Gasparatto, Chiara; Geissler, Jan; Hall, Corinne; Juan, Alfons; Kalz, Marco; Kelly, Richard; Klis, Giorgos; Kulaksız, Taibe; Lecoq, Carine; Marangoni, Francesca; McInally, Wendy; Oliver, Kathy; Popovics, Maria; Poulios, Christos; Price, Richard; Rollo, Irena; Romeo, Sylvia; Steinbacher, Jana; Sulosaari, M; Virpi and O'Higgins, Niall
European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 49, Article 106989(9)

McInally, W; Benstead, K; Brandl, A; Dodlek, N; De Munter, J; Gasparotto, C; Grau-Eriksen, J; Kelly, R G; Lecoq, C; O'Higgins, N; Oliver, K; Popovics, M; Rollo, I; Sulosaari, V and Dede la Los RíosSerna, C Díez
Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 38 (pp. 1091-1097)

Crowley, Margaret; McInally, Wendy; Goodall, Nicola and Webb, Janet
Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 46(2) (pp. 142-157)

McInally, Wendy; Taylor, Vanessa; Diez de Los Rios, Celia; Sulosaari, Virpi; Dowling, Maura; Trigoso, Eugenia; Rodrigues Gomes, Sara Margarida; Cesario Dias Ycn, Ana Rita; Piskorjanac, Silvija; Tanay, Mary Anne and Hálfdánardóttir, Halldóra
European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 63, Article 102305

McInally, Wendy and Campbell, Karen
Journal of Cancer Education, 37 (pp. 608-614)

McInally, Wendy; Gray‐Brunton, Carol; Chouliara, Zoe and Kyle, Richard G.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(9) (pp. 3867-3879)

McInally, Wendy; Gray-Brunton, Carol; Chouliara, Zoe and Kyle, Richard G.
Enfermería Clínica, 31(4) (pp. 234-246)

McInally, Wendy and Gray-Brunton, Carol
Evidence-Based Nursing, 24(3) (pp. 71-73)

Davidson, Michael C. J.; Malcolm, Lorraine; Sturley, Liz; Crowley, Margaret; Mackinnon, Fiona and McInally, Wendy
British Journal of Nursing, 30(7) (pp. 428-432)

McInally, Wendy
Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 67, Article 0515 / /people/wm3454/681 (pp. 233-233)

McInally, Wendy; Pouso Lista, Maria J.; McLaren, Natalia and Willis, Diane S.
Journal of Cancer Education, 34(1) (pp. 180-185)

McInally, Wendy
Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 41(1) (pp. 5-8)

McInally, Wendy and Willis, D. S.
Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 40(2) (pp. 68-70)

McInally, Wendy; Garner, Bonnie and Metcalfe, Sharon
Creative Nursing, 21(3) (pp. 161-166)

McInally, Wendy
British Journal of Nursing, 22(22) (pp. 1314-1318)

Strickland, Karen; Adamson, Elizabeth; McInally, Wendy; Tiittanen, Hannele and Metcalfe, Sharon
Nurse Education Today, 33(10) (pp. 1160-1165)

McInally, Wendy and Cruickshank, Susanne
Nursing Children and Young People, 25(1) (pp. 14-18)

Metcalfe, Sharon; McInally, Wendy; Strickland, Karen; Adamson, Elizabeth and Tiittanen, Hannele
Educational developments, 13(3) (pp. 18-22)

McInally, Wendy; Masters, Hugh and Key, Susan
European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(5) (pp. 498-504)

McInally, Wendy
Paediatric Nursing, 17(5) (pp. 14-18)

McInally, Wendy and McCann, Lisa
In: Glasper, Edward Alan; Richardson, James and Randall, Duncan eds. A Textbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing (pp. 637-653)
ISBN : 9780702062322 | Publisher : Elsevier | Published : London, UK

McInally, Wendy
In: Glasper, E. A.; McEwing, G. and Richardson, J. eds. Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing (p 598)
Publisher : Oxford University Press

McInally, Wendy
In : SIOP 2020 (14-17 Oct 2020, Virtual)

McInally, Wendy
In : [Conference] (26 Feb 2015)

McInally, Wendy
In : Teaching Fellows Conference (1 Jan 2015, Edinburgh)

McInally, Wendy
In : LTA Staff Conference (1 Jun 2014, Edinburgh)

McInally, Wendy
In : [Conference] (1 May 2014) (())

McInally, Wendy
In : 3rd Stuart Andrew Lawtie Conference (1 May 2014, Glasgow) ((Unpublished))

McInally, Wendy
In : [Conference] (1 May 2014)

McInally, Wendy
In : International Society for the Scholarship Teaching and Learning (2-5 Oct 2013, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA)

McInally, Wendy
In : 2nd Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe (7-8 Jun 2013, Glasgow)

McInally, Wendy
In : Academic Professional Development Staff Conference (Jun 2013, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh)

McInally, Wendy
In : Sigma Theta Tau (STTI) (Jul 2012, Cardiff, UK)

McInally, Wendy
In : 42nd Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) (Oct 2010, Boston, USA)

McInally, Wendy M.
PhD thesis Edinburgh Napier University

McInally, Wendy
Wendy McInally

McInally, Wendy
Florence Nightingale Foundation/ Edinburgh Napier University