
Postgraduate Diploma in Technology Management - Learning Outcomes

Educational aims

The Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma and MSc in Technology Management form a specialist career development programme. It is aimed at technical specialists or those with experience of technology management. This programme is also suitable for those with general management or administration experience where you have taken a particular interest in the technological dimensions of organisation and management.

The main emphasis of the programme is on masters-level study in the area of the management of technology. It focuses in particular on innovation, and the strategic management and utilisation of technology across a wide range of sectors, from public to private, services to manufacturing and logistics and IT. While the academic level is clearly masters, there is a strong practical and professional orientation to the curriculum and therefore the programme is also likely to meet the continuing professional development (CPD) needs of many of those who undertake this programme of study.

Technology management graduates should be able to ground their new knowledge within the base of their professional experience. You will be encouraged to reflect on and learn from your prior experience, integrate this with your new knowledge and apply this to new situations. The programme provides you with significant opportunities to challenge preconceptions regarding the development, management and strategic use of technology and technological innovation (innovation), as well as many generic management ideas, and to remove subject and functional boundaries in order to evaluate and respond to complex situations holistically.

You should also develop strengths in analysing, synthesising and solving complex, unstructured organisational problems, especially where these have a technological dimension. In addition to being able to communicate your findings, you should develop the skills to implement agreed solutions effectively and efficiently. This, in turn, requires that you develop good interpersonal skills to enable you to interact effectively with a range of technical and non-technical personnel. The technology management programme, therefore, is directed both at the acquisition and critical understanding of a body of knowledge and at the acquisition of a range of personal capabilities.

Learning outcomes

The programme provides opportunities for you to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:

Knowledge and understanding

On completion of this qualification, you’ll have knowledge and understanding of:

  • use your knowledge of the principles, terms and definitions used in the management of technology and innovation to solve problems in and propose improvements to technology projects.

Cognitive skills

On completion of this qualification, you’ll be able to:

  • critically analyse and evaluate conceptual, theoretical and applied approaches relevant to technological innovation with particular reference to the industrial setting appropriate to your employment and/or professional or personal interests.

Practical and/or professional skills

On completion of this qualification, you’ll be able to:

  • manage technology projects professionally, by reflecting on the development and use of technology and innovation to address organisational problems.

Key skills

On completion of this qualification, you’ll be able to:

  • advance your knowledge and understanding of the field of the management of technology and innovation through independent learning and reflection on practice and experience
  • challenge preconceptions regarding the development, management and strategic use of technology and technological innovation and to remove subject and functional boundaries in order to critically evaluate and respond to complex situations holistically.

Teaching, learning and assessment methods

You will learn through two inter-related methods. Firstly, using a range of specially written study materials, case studies, original texts, study guides and assignments, and through a range of multi-media material. Secondly, you are allocated a tutor who is your first and main point of contact. Your tutor answers queries on study materials, grades and comments on your work, and, depending on which module you are studying, may arrange online tutorials. You are also encouraged to participate in online discussion forums for the module(s) you are studying. This gives you a chance to share and resolve issues with fellow students, as well as with tutors and the module team.

Formative assessment in the form of informal activities and self-assessed questions (SAQs) allows you to assess your own progress and understanding. Formal assessment of the knowledge and understanding components of the programme is achieved by a series of tutor-marked assignments (TMAs) – usually three for each 30-credit module. These assignments are marked and assessed by your tutor. They are central to the teaching of the module since they allow you an opportunity to display your knowledge and understanding. This will enable tutors to identify any issues concerning either and provide appropriate feedback.

Although assignments are usually undertaken on an individual basis, some modules have group-based assignments that use online discussion forums. Modules may also include computer-marked assignments or examination papers. Currently most modules within the technology management programme include an end-of-module assessment in the form of a mini project, in place of an examination.

Cognitive skills in the programme are developed through a range of activities within the programme’s modules. Case studies and other accounts of how technology is managed will allow you to engage with the problems around technology management and develop appropriate analysis, evaluation and problem-solving skills. Modules will formally describe a range of methods and techniques used within technology management and you will be encouraged to make use of them and reflect on their use.

If you choose the research route to complete your MSc (a masters-level thesis based on a research project of your choice) there is extensive scope for developing a critical approach to technology management.

Evidence of skills levels will also be apparent in all assignments and tutors will comment on evidence of skills, as well as on demonstrated levels of knowledge and understanding.

When entering the technology management programme you are expected to have experience of technology management, a technical specialism or general management and/or administration where you have taken a particular interest in the technological dimensions of organisation and management. As such, you should already have gained many key skills. The programme will then allow you to demonstrate these and develop them further.

Study materials and support from your tutor will help develop your skills in managing your own learning. For example, many of the modules expect you to work largely under your own direction and initiative. You are expected to reflect on your performance, identify your learning needs and then develop appropriate learning strategies.

Practical and professional skills are developed and assessed implicitly within many of the modules in the programme. Evidence of them will be apparent in all TMAs and tutors will comment on the evidence of these skills, as well as on demonstrated levels of knowledge and understanding.

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