How to apply
Before you apply, take a look at the Research area you are interested in. This will tell you about research priorities, supervisors available, and potential research projects the University is considering.
The Research topics web pages give you contact details within each faculty, so you can discuss your research proposal with a member of staff. Most research degree places are subject to a competitive selection process; you will normally need to submit a carefully thought-out research proposal and attend an interview before you are offered a place. Places are decided based on:
- the quality of your proposal
- the view of the selection panel regarding the contribution to knowledge that your research would make
- the availability of supervisors with knowledge and experience relevant to your research
- the funding available
- the University’s current research priorities
- any entry requirements that apply to the research area.
Where a student holds qualifications other than those listed they must be able to demonstrate suitability for postgraduate level research in relation to the nature and scope of the proposed work. Professional experience, publications, written reports or other appropriate evidence of previous research shall be taken into consideration. In addition, applicants must provide the names of qualified persons from whom the University may seek references as to the applicants’ academic attainment and potential for undertaking research at this level.
Once you have decided which type of research degree is right for you, and checked that your proposed research topic aligns with the OU’s current research portfolio, check when you need to apply, and what to send us – this depends on the type of degree you are interested in (see below).
If your application is shortlisted there will be a selection process involving an interview and references, and sometimes you will be required to produce a piece of written work. Selection is conducted according to the fair selection principles defined in the UK Quality Code for Higher Education: Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Access, and Research Degrees.
If you are successful, we will contact you with an offer of registration, and tell you how to register. If you accept an offer of registration you will be bound by the of the University and by such others as may apply. The regulations and codes of practice are updated each year and the most up-to-date version will apply to all students unless specified.
Application process by type