Teaching, learning and assessment methods
The qualification will utilise the OU’s virtual learning environment (VLE) and technology-enhanced learning (TEL) design process to deliver the learning and teaching. The delivery will be informed by the key principles of learning and teaching, such as flexibility and different intensities of study.
Online learning spines will be provided for all modules to support you in using specially developed learning resources, case studies and original texts as well as a range of multi–media material. The spines will also direct you to guidance on assessment activities, tutorial activities and to collaborative and peer learning activities.
Tutors will be central to the delivery of learning and teaching, supporting you online in synchronous and asynchronous environments and providing feedback and support for assessment and learning. You will be supported during your induction period in areas including postgraduate study skills, time management and critical engagement.
The assessment strategy will comprise of a good balance of formative and summative assessment. It will utilise a variety of assessment types to enhance student experience and engagement and will be appropriate to the learning outcomes.
The assessment strategy will also emphasise the importance of integrating both continuous and end-of-module assessments so that the learning and feedback from the continuous assessment components prepares you for the end of module assessment, in relation to both the content assessed and the skills needed to complete the final assessment.
There will be a strong emphasis on helping you to understand the criteria which are being assessed, as well as the task or tasks to be completed, and on providing consistent feedback for all assessments, so as to inform improvements to future performance. However, both continuous assessment and end of module assessment will be summative and marked. Only in the dissertation module (B894) continuous assessment is formative but compulsory.