Teaching, learning and assessment methods
You will be assigned a tutor and be part of a tutorial group. The bulk of the tuition will be delivered online with some additional phone or email support. There will be shared areas – i.e. asynchronous forums – for individual tutor groups and for the whole cohort for online discussion, messages and chats. As well as online tutorials we will also offer day-school events, including face-to-face sessions with other Politics and International Studies students.
Our assessment strategy takes a qualification-level approach which aims to build skills incrementally and cumulatively through both modules in preparation for the end-of-module assessment (EMA) in Part 1 and 12,000-word dissertation in Part 2. As we are placing a particular emphasis on research methods in our taught content, we will build this into each assessment point to give you a firm grasp of relevant methods before you embark on your Part 1 EMA, which ultimately provides the grounding for more advanced work towards the dissertation in Part 2.
We will also incorporate some employability-related elements in our assessments to help you build up your professional skills as you progress, including collaborative activities, policy briefings, and presentational skills. In addition to standard format essays, we ensure that there is sufficient variety in assessment, which will help cement some of the real world, transferable skills that we’re seeking to develop for our students.