
MSc in Economics - Learning Outcomes

Educational aims

The MSc in Economics is an exciting new qualification that will equip you with the economic knowledge and skills to be able to analyse and address the most pressing global and social challenges of our time. You will also develop your knowledge of research methods as you progress through the MSc, culminating in the chance to do a piece of extended, independent research in your dissertation. You will extend and deepen a number of skills and attributes that are crucial to enhancing your career development and academic and professional skills.

Learning outcomes

This masters degree aims to:

  • introduce you to a range of different theoretical perspectives that are used in the analysis of the global challenges
  • enable you to compare, contrast and evaluate competing policy responses
  • give you a thorough grounding in the contemporary history of the economics discipline
  • equip you with a range of research tools, econometric and quantitative skills and methods to undertake independent research at postgraduate level.

Knowledge and understanding

On completion of this masters degree, you will have the ability to:

  • explain the history of economics as an academic discipline and contemporary debates about the scope of economics and its relationship with other disciplines
  • explain the nature, significance of and interconnections between five key global challenges (the environment, recurring crises, health inequalities, social inequalities and global inequalities
  • identify and explain core economic theories, concepts and ideas, and related policy implications to address the global challenges
  • critically understand a range of research methods, including econometrics, microeconomics/macroeconomics mathematical approaches and qualitative methods that are relevant to the economic analysis of the global challenges.

Cognitive skills

On completion of this masters degree, you will have the ability to:

  • select, synthesise and interpret data, information, and evidence from a wide and diverse range of sources to develop an in-depth and pluralist understanding of specific economic problems relevant to the global challenges
  • critically apply different theoretical approaches and methods to inform and evaluate strategies and policy interventions to address the global challenges
  • critically evaluate different ideas, methods and theories used in the economic analysis of global challenges.

Practical and/or professional skills

On completion of this masters degree, you will be able to:

  • apply critical and analytical thinking to a variety of real-world issues, design and  conduct appropriate research and analysis, and draw conclusions or make recommendations arising from the analysis
  • collaborate effectively with a peer-group in a variety of contexts and through the delivery of policy relevant project work
  • reflect on feedback from a range of sources on academic performance, and work in a dynamic and changing environment in an emotionally resilient way
  • use personal development planning to reflect on your own professional development
  • utilise a range of digital and other resources in support of research and economic analysis.

Key skills

On completion of this masters degree, you will be able to:

  • design and implement an original economics research project, including the formulation of a research question and proposal, review of relevant literature, selection of appropriate research methods, study design, data gathering, data analysis, and the discussion and presentation of key findings
  • analyse data grounded in insights from different economic theories and using relevant software packages such as R, SPSS, Excel, and Nvivo and communicate these findings through verbal, visual and written formats
  • communicate complex economic ideas to a wide range of non-specialists, including policy makers, other relevant non-economist audiences and the public through multiple communication channels including presentations, policy briefings and blogs.

Teaching, learning and assessment methods

You will be assigned a tutor and be part of a tutorial group. The bulk of the tuition will be delivered online with some additional telephone or email support. Online tuition will be via Adobe Connect sessions (or successor software), both for tutor groups and sessions for the whole cohort. There will be shared areas – i.e. asynchronous forums – for individual tutor groups and for the whole cohort for online discussion, messages and chats.

This support will be complemented with a range of other opportunities for interaction with the module team and wider Discipline, including the central academics responsible for leading on the development of each global challenge block in the first module. This will contribute to consolidation of learning and formation of a scholarly community around the qualification.

These activities will include:

  • interactive live seminars during each of the five global challenge blocks in which you will hear about current research being undertaken in that area and also have opportunities to ask questions and discuss emerging themes from the module material in that block
  • access to the Economics Insights talks
  • attendance at the Economics Discipline Seminar Series.
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