Entry requirements
You must be studying the MSc in Mental Health Science (F78). Therefore, you can’t study this module independently or as part of any other qualification.
You must have completed both Introduction to mental health science (S826) and Core topics in mental health science (SD816).
Preparatory work
You might find reading the following books helpful before and during your studies:
- Biggam, J. (2021) Succeeding with your Master’s dissertation: a step-by-step handbook, Open University Press (5th edn), 320 pp. ISBN 978-0335249817
- Dawson, M., Dawson, B. and Overfield, A. (2013) Communication skills for biosciences, Wiley Press, 185 pp. ISBN 978-0470863930
- Divan, A. (2009) Communication skills for the biosciences: a graduate guide, Oxford University Press, 256 pp. ISBN 978-0199226351
- Nygaard, L.P. (2017) Writing your Master’s thesis, SAGE publications, 224pp. ISBN 978-1473903937